クリーンはしだて1人1坪大作戦 cleaning of Special Scenic Sight, Amanohashidate
2017.4.9 雨が心配されていましたが、第42回クリーンはしだて1人1坪大作戦を実施することができました。枯れた松葉に覆われてしまうと、天橋立の松が元気に育ちません。その他の漂流ゴミや残念ながら放置されるゴミなど、この機会に回収します。
The 42nd Cleaning Hashidate event has operated by Amanohashidate Preservation Association on April 9.
There are about 8000 pine trees on Amanohashidate, and the dead leaves of them fall down on the road, and they could cause eutrophication by themselves. So, it has to be removed and keep the beauty of our region by our hands!
About 1500 people came to work together and approximately 25 tons of leaves were collected at this time. Thanks to Local companies, Local schools and lovely citizens of Miyazu!